Happy exploring in Hillier’s Haven, Abbots Barton

A new open space at Abbotts Barton, Hillier’s Haven, has now opened with paths through the woodland, a meadow area with stone fire pits, bird and bat boxes, and a sculpture trail.

The site was opened on T22 March by the Mayor of Winchester, Cllr David McLean, and Wonky the Woodpecker and included a host of activities from the Hampshire Wildlife Trust, the local Scout group and the Winchester City Council Sport and Physical Activity Team.

Susan Croker, Head of Landscape and Open Spaces at Winchester City Council, said: “We hope visitors to Hillier’s Haven will enjoy the new range of facilities and be encouraged to visit again and explore the great open spaces in the city and district. Thank you to everyone who helped make this new open space a possibility.”

The site will also include interpretation boards showing a map of the area and details of the animals and plants that may be seen during a visit.

The improvements to this previously inaccessible site, which is adjacent to Hillier Way car park with access through Nuns Walk, were made possible by funding becoming available due to a recent affordable Council home development delivered by Winchester City Council in Hillier Way.